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Yayasan Waqaf Teknologi Indonesia

Yayasan Waqaf Teknologi Indonesia

Waqf Assets

Item Given by Donors

Item Given by Donors

"The best people are those who have the most benefits for humans" (HR. Ahmad)

"The best people are those who have the most benefits for humans"(HR. Ahmad)

Some projects are very useful for making business easier and still need further improvements. If you want to provide useful projects for other people, you can register here.

Some projects are very useful for making business easier and still need further improvements. If you want to provide useful projects for other people, you can register here.

UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design



Web Design

Web Design

Landing Page

Landing Page

Mobile Design

Mobile Design





All Project

Item Project Given

Sosmed Gateway

Aplikasi berbasis web dimana aplikasi di tujukan untuk membantu siapaun dalam berbisnis


Date Received : 01 - 01 - 2023

Message Gateway

Aplikasi berbasis web dimana aplikasi di tujukan untuk membantu siapaun dalam berbisnis dalam memanagement pesan


Date Received : 01 - 01 - 2023

All Project

Item Project Given

Sosmed Gateway

Aplikasi berbasis web dimana aplikasi di tujukan untuk membantu siapaun dalam berbisnis


Date Received : 01 - 01 - 2023

Message Gateway

Aplikasi berbasis web dimana aplikasi di tujukan untuk membantu siapaun dalam berbisnis dalam memanagement pesan


Date Received : 01 - 01 - 2023